Gardenia (Selected Products) Price increase from 1st Dec 2020

From 1st Dec 2020, Gardenia Malaysia will be increasing prices of selected products. Now, if you recall what we have talked about in the Retirement Series, food inflation is typically higher than other expenditures. Look at the table I have prepared and you'll see that although it's 5 cents and 20 cents increase, the actual increase is 4+%. A small increase like this collectively will lead to a significant overall increase.

Below is the summary of the impact to you wallet if you buy them regularly:

Gardenia products which has a price increase

Prices of Butterscotch, Choco Raisin, Raspberry Milk and Cranberries and Butter Raisins which are my favorite Gardenia bread will see a price increase of RM0.20. As for the single buns, those with fillings like Squiggles, Soft Roll Butter Toffee, Red Bean and Sambal Bilis will see an increase of 5 cents.

The below letter was sighted and shared across various platforms.

Gardenia Price increase letter


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