Economic Crisis? Iphone 12 sells like hot cake!

 I was in Midvalley over the weekend for the routine grocery shopping and I have decided to sign up a phone plan with Maxis/Hotlink as I have wasted 2 years with Hotlink without any plan. Read my article here where I talked about subscribing to a Hotlink plan (which is pretty basic).

At the Gardens, I saw this very fantastic view (around 10.30am on Sunday) below. People are queuing to go in machines!

I headed to Maxis (I am certainly not another apple craze here although I am using iPad) and got my packaged phone. While waiting for my turn, I keep hearing Maxis staff "almost yelling" at the very long queue at Maxis centre: Please leave your name and we will call you when the new iPhone arrived!. 

Wait, I was thinking: Isn't it that the COVID19 has disrupted many livelihood and people were going hungry or just merely going by the day? But why is the highest priced phone in market running out of stock? Is it because a lot of people spent more time on their phones these days (due to COVID19's MCOs) and they find iPhone a worthwhile 'investment'?

I have no idea to the above questions but you might enlighten us. 

Meanwhile, enjoy yourself with the "hot air balloons" in Midvalley.. they do not have Kolam this year at the centre court and it's filled with these. In contrast with the Maxis Centre and machines, the mall feels very empty..


A glimpse of how 'full' COVID19 vaccination will be..

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