McCormick Brown Sugar BBQ Sauce for Grilled chicken chop

Ever since I started buying deboned chicken whole leg at the marketplace near my house, I yearned to cook chicken chop, grilled chicken and chicken soup. I have always used my own sauce with a mixture of five spice powder, soy sauce, salt, pepper and sesame oil. It's always delicious to eat a freshly marinated and cooked chicken chop. 

I decided to give the McCormick Brown Sugar BBQ Sauce a try as an alternative to my existing mixture. 

My grilled chicken chop recipe:

1. Sufficient McCormick sauce on the underside of the chicken whole leg. Leave it to marinate for at least 30 mins.
2. A little bit of white pepper for extra flavoring
3. A small tea spoon of soy sauce
4. A few sprinkler of five spice powder 
5. At the end of the cooking, add a little bit of honey to even further enhance the flavour. 

And... tada.. the outcome is as below. It doesn't look fantastic but it definitely taste good. yumss.. The BBQ Sauce make it taste sweet and not the salty type. For someone who has sweet tooth, I certainly enjoy this combination of flavours.


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