A snippage on how the page looked like. You may go to MidValley's website to see the live updates.
Exciting adventures on Technology, Lifestyle (Food, Travel, Fun, DIY) and Financials related topics
Ever Wonder how many parking lots available in Midvalley/The Gardens?
Pre-COVID19 Midvalley and The Gardens were always shoppers top spot for Hang Outs, Shopping, Dining etc. I unfortunately am one of them and I go to this mega shopping complex at least 50 times a year. Now, before you go over to Midvalley or The Gardens, do you know that you can check live info on how many parking lots are available and where they are? This can make your life a little easier especially if you go after 12pm (almost the same crazy crowd especially comparing how full the parking is).
A glimpse of how 'full' COVID19 vaccination will be..
After a year-ish of Coronavirus outbreak, we all know that COVID19 will not end or disappear, but it'll be just like other diseases (thi...
After a year-ish of Coronavirus outbreak, we all know that COVID19 will not end or disappear, but it'll be just like other diseases (thi...
My thoughts after watching Bloomberg's interview with Grantham. 1. He is very thoughtful, straight-forward and managed to summarize wh...
One of our friends contacted us and discussed about an experience of being scammed. Nothing was lost, fortunately but all the stress and sle...