What's in your Coffee?

So you're drinking Starbucks coffee on a regular basis, or even addicted to it. But wait.. do you know that coffee is not just coffee (like most of Asians think)? 

Starbucks at Kyoto, Japan

To lighten up your day, I remember my father went to Italy and he ordered a Espresso (thinking of all coffees are the same) and 1 shot of Espresso is the cheapest at 1 Euros. When he got his drink, he stared at that cup and wondered if he has ordered the wrong thing. 

So, to avoid my father's mistake, I am going to show you different names of the types of coffee (that is commonly available at major coffee outlets). The common coffee that customers orders are as below. I bet you come across this at cafes, restaurants or hotels. 

1. Espresso - produced via espresso machine were steamed (>10 barg pressure) were forced through the ground coffee (grinded coffee beans). Typically about 30ml only per shot.

2. Americano - Espresso diluted with hot water (layman's term it's Espresso + hot water)

3. Cappuccino - 1 part of Espresso, Steamed Milk and foam (all same proportion)

4. Latte - Espresso, Steamed Milk and thin foam

5. Mocha - Espresso, Steamed Milk, Chocolate and thin foam (aka Latte + Chocolate)

6. Macchiato - Espresso + Foam Milk

This should give you a good overview of what the common types of coffee drinks contains.

An image taken at one of the local cafe.

Oh yes, if you haven't tried Affogato, you can do so by putting a scoop of vanilla ice cream into a single or double shot espresso (now you know what espresso means). But the caveat is you will have to own an espresso machine. I had lots of Affogato during my MCO days where we were all locked down at home.


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